Welcome to Heibs Paris'23


2nd International Workshop on Health, Energy Efficiency & Intelligent Building Systems

July  04-06, 2023, Creteil (France)


We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd International Workshop on Health, Energy Efficiency & Intelligent Building Systems (HEIBS Paris’23)  hosted by  University of Paris-Est Créteil (France), on July 04-06, 2023.

HEIBS Paris'23 will provide an excellent opportunity to meet experts, exchange information, and strengthen the collaboration among scholars from both academia and industry worldwide. Join us at Paris to discuss about the latest scientific advances on health, green building and its eco-system within an international community of eminent researchers.

HEIBS Paris'23 proposes three days activities including distinguished plenary speakers, keynote speakers, workshops, oral and poster presentations to foster networking within an international community. For more information, please look at the Overview and the Program of the workshop.


Evelyne Gehin (UPEC, France), General Chair

Borong Lin (TSINGHUA, China), General Co-chair

Yi Wang (XAUAT, China), General Co-chair

Mustapha Karkri  (UPEC, France), General Co-chair

Mahamadou Abdou Tankari  (UPEC, France), General Co-chair



Corinne Mandin  (IRSN, France)

Matthias Beekmann, Head of OSU EFLUVE, France


Hybrid Mode

The workshop will be held at the University of Paris - Est Creteil (France) in face-to-face but it is possible to attend online for those who can not travel to France.


Publishing of Proceedings

Proceedings of abstracts will be realized for the workshop. Few weeks after the the workshop, participants interested can submit full paper as chapter for book editing in Springer or Elsevier.


The workshop Venue

The workshop will be hold on the Building "Maison des Sciences de l’Environnement" of the OSU-EFLUVE (Observatory of Earth and Space Sciences: Fluid Envelopes from the Urban Scale to Astrobiology) of University of Paris-Est Creteil, at Creteil (France).

OSU-EFLUVE  Mission Statement

OSU-EFLUVE is devoted to research, training and information dissemination in the field of environmental science:
• long-term observation of environmental variables in air / water / soil media and in buildings
• publication of data collected at the national or international levels
• execution of research projects
• implementation of shared platforms or services for improving research practices
• dissemination of knowledge in the field of Earth and Space Sciences
• continuing education and expert advice intended for socioeconomic actors
• hosting of scientific events and corresponding communication.
In a context dictated by strong human-induced pressures on the environment, the studies undertaken by OSU-EFLUVE are aimed at both improving understanding of how these various media operate and developing mitigation solutions.

OSU-EFLUVE Unit Features

> Some 300 research professors, technicians and administrative staff, plus roughly sixty Ph.D. students

> 5 founding laboratories, 4 oversight institutions (University of Eastern Paris-Créteil (UPEC), CNRS-INSU, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and the University of Paris)
> An internal school of UPEC and a joint research unit (UMS 3563)
> 16 observation centers, nationally-renowned testing facilities, instrumented sites, open codes, an analytical platform comprising mineral, organic and biological clusters
> Shared services: an extensive database being compiled and a mechanical engineering platform

For more information, please download the OSU EFLUVE presentation or visit the OSU EFLUVE website.


Venue Adress : 5 Rue Pasteur Vallery Radot, 94000 Creteil

Venue Mappy link

Venue Building





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